
19-12-27 One Times Square顶端,随后现场的工作人员将派发帽子、眼镜、玩具号角等给观众。晚上 8 点开始正式演出。时间: 12月31日(周二)下午6点。地点:时代广场(Times Square)。地址...

揭中国移植医学丑闻 澳学者获世界10大科学家奖

19-12-25 遭受到影响。罗杰斯提及,她已要求多家学术期刊要撤回已发表的400篇论文,可是截至目前为止,只有“公共科学图书馆期刊”(PLOS One)与“移植”(Transplantation)撤回相关论文而已。...

The Value of a Kind Heart

19-12-26 the State of Lu, there was a high ranking officer named Meng Sun. One day Meng Sun took his entourage...

只响一下的电话 千万不要回拨

19-12-03 (Adobe Stock)近日,有不少美国人和加拿大人遇到了一种“一响即收线”(One Ring)的电话骗局。美国联邦通讯委员会(FCC)曾警告说,接到这类电话千万不要回拨,否则也许要付高额电话费...

贝佐斯捐9850万 英领导人:你只需纳税

19-12-01 首席执行官并没有将他的巨额财富用于慈善事业。于是2018年9月,贝佐斯启动了Bezos Day One Fund,一个20亿美元的慈善基金,旨在帮助无家可归者并支持低收入社区的教育。最近的赠款正是该基金...

A General Cleans a Soldier’s Shoes

19-10-31 gave the general a quick salute and rushed to the aircraft with his teammates. This was one of the...

Chinese Official: China Headed Back to Planned Economy

19-09-05 , or it can tank the real estate market.So these are two concepts I’m explaining to you all. One...


19-08-24 chosen one)”,所以要挑战中共,而且正在挑战中共的贸易不公行为美国赢了。大纪元评论员周晓辉分析说,川普的这句话是告诉中共,秉承使命的自己,绝不会在贸易等问题上有任何的妥协。如果北京不答应美国提出的公平...

文在寅2045统一论 朝奚落兼武吓

19-08-22 在2045年迎接光复一百周年之时,使和平统一后的“一个韩国”(One Korea),屹立在世界之林。据法新社报导称,韩国智库“峨山政策研究院”专家申范澈对于这次文在寅所提出的统一构想泼冷水。申范澈认为,文在寅...


19-08-16 。(英文原文:feel that the future between our two countries will be avery bright one!)他应该指的是,未来美国和中国人民间的关系...

婚后第一个情人节 夏于乔客制对戒

19-08-12 切割而成的“Two as One Diamond”,透过拼图概念及不同材质,使用,结合成两人的对戒,象征小俩口之间密不可分的关系。夏于乔戴上戒指之,后娇羞回应:“先生现在还被蒙在鼓里,活动结束要马上送给...


19-08-11 (Flickr U.S. Government)8月10日(周六),亚洲人平等会(AAFE)皇后区开设的新总部将举办开放日,欢迎民众前往参观。日前,亚平会皇后区总部乔迁至“法拉盛一号”(One...

这种电话一定是骗局 请直接挂掉!

19-08-08 ,还可以给非法打工的人制造虚假文件。这些都是大事。 最近爆出的Capital One数据遭泄露事件中,就有100万加拿大人的SIN失窃。而且,要更换新的SIN是一件非常麻烦的事。 SIN被盗了怎么办? 联邦...


19-08-05 ,如果抢救人员逐个的敲门,可能会耽误很长时间。但Rapid SOS技术可以帮助调度员通过手机号码确定呼叫的确切位置,因为该程序系统自动嵌入了IOS和Android操作系统。“我可以说一百万次感谢,但没有什么...


19-08-05 Capital One Drive, McLean 22102)• Valo Park 大楼餐厅(7950 Jones Branch Drive, McLean 22102) • CarMax 餐厅(12800...

Huang Jialuo, Chinese translator for Louis XIV (Part 1)

19-06-19 reputation as the "Chinese model husband" spread rapidly in the sinology circle in Paris. One of...


19-06-11 华为被美国列入出口管制清单,未来推出的智能手机将不得再使用谷歌(Google)的安卓(Android)作业系统和其他受欢迎的应用程式(APP),华为只得推出自家作业系统应急。但产业专家指出,海外市场...


19-06-09 大游行了!这个游行旨在让大众更加认识波多黎各的文化和历史,庆祝波多黎各的创造力与多样性。今年的主题为:“一个国家,多种声音(One Nation, Many Voices)”。届时,本次游行将有十万人参加...

制裁效应发酵  富士康停产华为手机

19-06-06 第三方公司,向华为的智慧手机作业系统提供软件,因此华为的作业系统几乎不可能取代谷歌的安卓系统(Android)。自中美贸易新一轮“战役”5月10日开打后,美国下令禁止美企采购中国华为的电信设备...

川普访英 脱欧与华为成焦点

19-06-08 国事访问,他是美国第三位对英国进行国事访问的在任总统。川普总统与第一夫人梅拉妮亚从美国驻英大使馆乘坐“陆战队一号”(Marine One)直升机抵达白金汉宫,英国女王伊丽莎白二世在此举行盛大仪式接待...

The Story behind the Chinese Saying, "Predestined Beyond Three Lives"

19-06-05 had a good friend by the name of Li Yuanshan. One day they went for a walk, enjoying the beautiful...

MTA推出OMNY地铁票支付系统 方便快捷 一触即可

19-06-03 个大纽约(One Metro New York)。前缀“omni”,意思是“所有”或“所有事物”。MTA认为,交通是连接社区,并将纽约的多样性和活力融合在一起的重要服务项目。 一触即可从5月31日...

The Humble and Upright Yu Qian

19-05-23 contributions. One time when he won a big victory in a war, Shi Xiang, a fighting marshal, whose contribution was...

Returning Riches to its Owner Brought Fortune for Generations

19-05-23 , a salt dealer from Guanzhong region left one thousand gold coins with Yang Zhan for safekeeping. However...


19-05-23Android)更新服务及其他热门软件。即购买华为新手机的用户无法使用安卓系统的应用程序(App),也将无法使用Google Play、Gmail、Youtube和浏览器Chrome。谷歌公司表示会持续更新华为...


19-05-22 (Flickr CC BY 2.0)5月31日,纽约大都会运输署将推出新的地铁感应刷卡系统OMNY(One Metro New York),届时,乘客们可以使用手机的电子钱包、MTA手机应用程序...


19-05-21 谷歌有两套最广泛使用的操作系统,一是手机的Android系统,一个是笔记本电脑的Chrome OS。但在近期的I/O开发者大会上,谷歌向外界透露了还有一套神秘的操作系统Fuchsia。据《自由时报...

Repaying Others Who Have Helped Us and Being Honest and Trustworthy

19-05-09 in this manner and one day, a young man came to the shop. He looked very similar to the owner. Zhan...

2019 Cadillac CT6

19-05-06 设施包括8英寸数字仪表显示器、8扬声器Bose高级音响系统、卫星收音机、无线设备充电、内置Wi-Fi热点以及通过Android Auto和Apple CarPlay进行智能手机集成。选项包括四区自动气候...

Retribution for Destroying a Buddha Statue

19-05-06 Buddhas and gods often experienced unfortunate consequences. Here is one such story.The Man Who Walks...

How to Handle People who Upset  you

19-05-06 Born in Jiangsu Province in the Qing Dynasty, Dong Jiaozeng was very poor. One year, without any...

A Maidservant Becomes China’s First Female Diplomat

19-04-24 in Wusun When the King of Wusun died, those in power divided into two factions—one side leaned...

What is Fengshui?

19-04-22 ?  People.What is the number one realm of people's fengshui?  The heart.What is the number two realm of...


19-04-16 概念。这些新课程由首都第一银行(Capital One)资助,并通过与文艺复兴经济发展公司(Renaissance Economic Development Corporation的)合作提供。小企业...

唐太宗倾耳虚心、闻过则改 (下)

19-04-11 Taizong (627 - 649 A.D.) of the Tang Dynasty was one of a few truly outstanding emperors in Chinese...

Proper Manners Begin at the Dining Table

19-04-03 Book of Rites, one excerpted section recorded these rules, which are still being learned and practiced...

唐太宗倾耳虚心、闻过则改 (上)

19-04-03 - 649 A.D.) of the Tang Dynasty was one of a few truly outstanding emperors in Chinese history. He was...

Five Classic Sayings of Guiguzi That Help Discern a Person’s Character

19-03-28 In China’s history, there have emerged many legendary figures. Yet it’s hard to find one that...

Taiwanese Folk Tale: The Legend of Sun-Moon Lake

19-03-28 hardworking couple named Dajiange and Shuishe. One day, when the couple was working in the field under the sun...

The Eight Divinations and Wisdoms of Life in Zhouyi

19-03-21 nor disturb others. Hence, one will find a better own self.  (2) Earth is receptive, resting in...